Are you REALLY Okay?
When someone asks how you're feeling and you say, "okay" are you being honest? A lot of times I just say "I'm ok," to avoid dealing with...

KMJ6 on UxU's BossTalk - UPDATED w/ Video
As you know I had the honor of being on the ‘BossTalk’ podcast a few weeks ago... I know podcasts aren't for everyone so here's the video...

Find the Silver Lining, Slim!
Continually focusing on the negative things happening in your life will keep u heavy and dark... It's imperative that we find the...

You Focused or nah?
Trying to take Raza’s advice + just ... speak! New episode on #6cents: The Podcast. Focus - finding it + keeping it. Small things that...

KMJ6 on UxU’s #BossTalk
I had THEE best time on my folk’s podcast ‘BossTalk’ last night. One of the host, Raza has captured some amazing things for me personally...

Calm | Cool | Connected
Did a dope interview with All The Fly Kids for their show, "Calm, Cool and Connected" This is a really good one. It really captures who I...