#tribelindsay on Fox5 DC's Zip Trip: Congress Heights
(Links to video below) In case you missed Fox5 DC's Zip Trip in Congress Heights today ... #tribelindsay pushed through, honey. Keon...
Reciprocated Feels
I've found myself, more times than not, in my feelings ... either alone or deeper than my supposed other-half. Other half doesn't...
The Original 6Cents.
Found one of my original 6Cents blogs with promo video included! Ha! Classic. I'm tryna tell y'all ! I have always been a creative....
Basic + Behind
I get in this space of feeling basic + behind all the time. In real life, I know I'm neither but my mind tells me I am more times than...
6CENTS: The Blog or nah?!
I always say I'm restarting my blog and it never happens. Probably still won't happen but ... I'm bored, productive and feeling creative....